Old calender information/archive (items just kinda dumped here)

LEADER MEETING: 8/17/09 (parents may attend): FSU - 2009-2010 Kickoff Leader Meeting

9/09 QSP Nut Sale (it's EARLIER in the year than before...keep your eyes peeled!) Mrs. Chaffer is in charge of this for our troop.

10/5, Monday: Troop meeting (first of the season). 7:30 - 9:00 (note new time). Location: Methodist Church Wesley Hall. In attendance: Jaslin, Susan, Drew, Alison, Aimee, Katie, Shareema, Clarice, Michaela, Laura, Sydney, Carolyn and Shareema; Leaders: Kathy, Sheryl, Lia, Annemarie. Absent: Molly, Jennifer, Maria, Clare. Welcome Katie and Clarice to Troop 66! Meeting: Flag Ceremony; Troop News/Mail; Divided into two patrols ("Neon Frogs" with PL Susan; and "S'mores" with PL Drew). S'mores will lead November 2 meeting; Neon Frogs will lead December 7 meeting. Mrs. Martini will present a special program for January 4 meeting.

10/17 CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN! ALTERNATE DATE TO BE DETERMINED. Troop Letterboxing event! 2:00 p.m., meet at the parking lot next to St. Rose of Lima Chapel on Randolph Avenue, Freehold. BRING A RUBBER STAMP and a small notebook).

10/19: Nut Sale orders due to Mrs. Chaffer!

10/19, Monday: LEADER MEETING, Applegate School, 7:00 (girls/parents welcome to attend.)

11/2, Monday: Troop Meeting, 7:30 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church. "Juliette Gordon Low's Birthday" hosted by S'mores Patrol. Our Special Guests: Junior Troop 1141.

11/7, Saturday: Troop Bike Trip, 10:30- 1:30. Henry Hudson Trail (Meet at John L. Montgomery Home parking lot on Dutch Lane Road in Freehold). Bring bag lunch. MAKE SURE BIKE IS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER (air in tires, good brakes) and you have a BIKE HELMET!

[11/9, Monday, FSU Team meeting, just fyi.]

12/7, Monday: Troop meeting, NOTE EARLIER START TIME: 7:00 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church. Service Project Program presented by Neon Frogs Patrol.

12/14, Monday: LEADER MEETING, Applegate School, 7:00 (girls/parents welcome to attend.)


1/4, Monday: Troop meeting, 7:30 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church. Program presented by Mrs. Martin: hair and skin care. Cookie packets distributed.

1/15 COOKIE SALE! Mr. and Mrs. Tipan are in charge of this for our troop.

1/11, Monday: LEADER MEETING, Applegate School, 7:00 (girls/parents welcome to attend.)

2/1, Monday: Troop meeting, 7:30 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church. COOKIE ORDERS DUE! "Game Night": bring your favorite
(non-electronic type) game (Monopoly, Scrabble, Life, Scategories, Bananagrams, Uno, Yatzee, etc.). Snacks/drinks: see patrol leaders Drew or Susan for information. In attendance: Susan, Drew, Shareema, Clarice, Clare, Alison, Kaitlyn, Maria, Michaela, Laura, Sydney, Caroline, Aimee, tag-along Aubree, Jennifer, Alison (EVERYBODY!), plus all troop leaders: Kathy, Lia, Sheryl, Annemarie and mom Suzanne.

2/1, Monday: Cookie Orders due to Mr. & Mrs. Tipan (at troop meeting).

[2/8, Monday, FSU Team meeting, just fyi.]

Junior Lock-in Program Activity Center Farmingdale, Service Unit Event (Troop participation not confirmed, TBA) Juniors are grades 4-5-6

Cadette Lock-In Program Activity Center Farmingdale, Service Unit Event (Troop participation not confirmed, TBA) Cadettes are grades 7-8

3/1, Monday: Troop meeting, 7:30 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church.

3/5: Cookie Order Pickup (schedule with Mrs. & Mrs. Tipan).

3/8, Monday: LEADER MEETING, Applegate School, 7:00 (girls/parents welcome to attend.)

3/20: Cookie money due back to Mrs. & Mrs. Tipan!

3/21, Sunday: Water-stop volunteers at St. Paddy's Day Run! Meet at corner of Stonehill and Jackson Mills Road at 9:00 a.m.; end by noon.

04/09/10 Leader-Daughter Earth Day Overnight Big Top - Camp Sacajawea (Troop participation not confirmed, TBA)


4/11, Sunday: Manasquan Reservoir Walk/Pick-up, 2:00 - 4:30 p.m. Meet at the Environmental Center (331 Georgia Tavern Rd, Howell) Park info: http://www.monmouthcountyparks.com/page.aspx?Id=2531 Wear sturdy shoes (sneakers or boots ok), bring a backpack, water bottle, plastic bag to put litter in, trail snacks, and appropriate attire ("layers") for the weather. (Check forecast/conditions at: http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=07727). We will be picking up litter along the five-mile trail, so this is a combined COMMUNITY SERVICE and outdoor/hiking/fitness type of activity. Other family members/friends may join us.

[4/12, Monday, FSU Team meeting, just fyi.]

4/19, Monday: Troop meeting, 7:30 - 9:00. Location Methodist Church.
5/10, Monday: LEADER MEETING, Applegate School, 7:00. This is also the adult mandatory "Pre-Ocky" meeting...Cadettes and up are ENCOURAGED to attend, but this is not mandatory for them. Troop 66 members coming to Ocky, please try to come to this.

5/17, Monday: Pre-Ocky Troop meeting (girls attending Ocky must attend), 7:30 - 9:00. Location: Methodist Church.

5/24, Monday: Memorial Day Parade. Our troop will not have a formal presence this year due to leaders being unavailable; however, Freehold Girl Scouts WILL be participating and you're invited, with adult supervision, to march. Locate the Girl Scouts gathered on Brinckerhoff Ave near the side streets (Prospect, Kiawah, etc.) by 9:30 a.m. if so. Parade ends at the Monmouth County Court House.

6/4, 6/5, 6/6: OCKY! (Freehold Service Unit's annual encampment)l