March 23, 2009, Troop Meeting:
In attendance: Maria, Clare, Michaela, Caroline, Sydney, Laura, Drew, Diane, Susan, Jennifer, Jaslin. Leaders: Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Mulholland, as well as Cookie Dad Mr. Tipan.
OUR CONDOLENCES GO TO MRS. PRENDERGAST, AIMEE, ALISON and AUBREE. The girls' grandmother passed away this morning. Our hearts go out to you!
Cookie money was turned in tonight. Please contact Mrs. & Mrs. Tipan if you did not yet turn in your money. It's due!
The Junior girls in the troop "tuned up" activity bags that our sponsor (the First United Methodist Church) has available for children in worship. We cleaned out the old stuff, put in "backer boards" (thanks Mrs. Krause for making them!), new crayons and coloring pages.
The Cadette/Senior girls spent most of the meeting planning...planning...planning! Fun things are in store!
Fifteen girls from Troop 66 are going to Ocky (plus Diane who is going to help a younger troop). Final payment is due to Mrs. Kramer. See your paperwork for specifics. We have room for an ADULT; if interested, contact Mrs. Kramer.
January 26, 2009, Troop Meeting:
In attendance: Clare, Maria, Michaela, Aimee, Jenna, Caroline (welcome to the troop!), Susan, Drew, Jaslin, Sydney. Leaders: Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. Krause and Mrs. Mulholland. Guest Aubree guest and helped with our project, along with some of our great moms. :)
--We opened with a Flag Ceremony, after some confusion about which room we were meeting in; the church secretary (it was later learned) thought we could "share" the Wesley Hall with a church women's group (she didn't realize how big our troop was). This has been cleared up since then and we're confirmed for our next several activities/meetings in the big room.
--We made page-sized cards for "Color-a-Smile"
--We have a new girl: Caroline. And Lindsey is joining a different troop. Happy trails, Lindsey!
--Maria went to the Silver Award Workshop at Council before our meeting. Good going!
--We announced our Thinking Day Pot-Luck dinner for our troop families (not just girls) for our next troop meeting (Monday 2/23, 6:30 in Wesley Hall upstairs). Shareema: American Hot Wings; Maria/Clare: Ireland; Drew: Sweden; Aimee/Alison: Mexico; Sydney: Italian; Susan/Diane: assorted drinks. I may have missed some names...please pick some sort of "international" food (or anything you like...just call it American if it doesn't fit another country!) and bring enough to share to our dinner.
--Mrs. Mulholland handed out some patches and insignia to girls who didn't receive the items already. There are still a few missing items, such as colored disks behind stars. We'll get caught up with those (eventually!). If you don't have a vest, just hold on to the patches as keepsakes; the Girl Scout Pin and World Association Pin (blue with yellow symbol) are the "Official Girl Scout Membership Pins." If you need uniform pieces, visit the Council Store in Farmingdale (Council website:
--Our Dry-Run Camp-In is at the Church on 2/20, beginning at 6:00 p.m. through 10:00 a.m. on 2/21. Girls need to bring sleeping bag, a "DUNK BAG," something comfy to sleep in (or just wear that to the event and bring a change for next day), and toothbrush/paste (and any other necessary toiletries). We'll learn basic camping skills that will be ready to apply when we go camping next time. We planned our menu at December's troop meeting.
--COOKIE SALE ORDERS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 2. You can place your order packets in the black bin on Mrs. Mulholland's porch, and she'll get them to the Tipans (our Cookie Parents). Any questions should be directed to Mr. or Mrs. Tipan. If you are late turning your order in, you'll have to deal directly with Council. Every girl should sell (or buy from herself) at least one box so we get full participation credit.
If I missed anything, let me know!
Mrs. Mulholland for the troop
December 15, 2008, Troop Meeting:
In attendance: Jennifer T., Laura, Susan, Jaslin, Drew, Lindsey, Maria, Clare, Michaela (please let me know if I missed anybody), Mrs. Kramer, Mrs. Krause and Mrs. Muholland.
--We took RSVPs/payment for the Roller Skating trip on 12/27. If you get back to Kathy Mulholland by Wednesday night, she can add you in. (If you just "told" me at the troop meeting you wanted to go, but didn't pay, please email me to make sure I have you listed as going, as without the money I may not have a record and probably won't remember who is and isn't going.) Please see:
--We reviewed plans for Caroling at CentraState on Monday, 12/22. The date has been changed a few times, so please check to make sure you have it correctly recorded on your own calendars. Please see: Hope to see you there!
--We planned the meals at our NEW Dry-Run Camp-In scheduled for 2/20-2/21 at the church. Please see:
Everyone is responsible for providing their own "dunk bag" mess kit for the 2/20 event, as well as for most future camping or outdoor-cooking events. We went over what "dunk bags" are at our troop meeting. For those who missed it, see for instructions. Each girl will need her own "dunk bag" kit for our Dry-Run Camp-In!
--We reviewed a very simple flag ceremony; we'll expand on that and polish our technique up. We may be asked to do flag ceremonies in the future, so it's good to do them right. Thanks to Drew who brought instructions.
--We gave out some patches/pins/badges to get caught up. If you were not at the meeting, ask for yours next time.
--For our Juniors, we gave out Info Memo/Permission Slips for the Service Unit Junior Lock-In in January. (Info Memo/Permission Slip was recently emailed; the form will be on the blog shortly). This is for JUNIORS ONLY.
Please make every effort to come to troop meetings and activities. Also, please RSVP by dates indicated; two recent activities were canceled due to lack of response. Check out our blog for master schedule and information about events.
November 17, 2008 Troop Meeting:
In attendance: girls:Julianne, Jennifer M., Susan, Drew, Aimee, Alison, Clare, Maria, Jaslyn, Sydney, Lindsey, Diane, Shareema, Laura. Adults: Mrs. Krause, Mrs. Mulholland (thanks to Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Martin for assisting. Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Prendergrast were ill (we missed you!).
We confirmed/added a few events to our schedule:
--Bike-Hike, December 6th
--Lake Topanemus "Clean-up, Compass and Cocoa" Event, December 14.
--January 23-25 [JUNIORS ONLY]: Service Unit Lockin at Sac PAC.
--Beach Clean-up event is planned for spring, with Diane heading up that effort in conjunction with her FFA club at her school.
We also broke into two groups; Juniors and older girls. Each group discussed age-level activities as well as whole-troop events.
We also received our special Troop 66 T-shirts (Thanks, Mrs. Krause!) AND our QSP Nut Sale orders (Thanks, Mrs. Chaffer!). Nut sale money is due by SUNDAY, 11/23, to Mrs. Chaffer (bring it to her house).
Thanks for bringing non-perishible food for Open Door, too.