Note: Regular Troop Meetings are the FIRST Tuesday of each month, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the church, except as noted (so please check the schedule!!!).
9/6: Troop meeting. Organizational/planning.
9/11: Flag Retirement Ceremony at PAC, 7:00 p.m. Meet at 6:00 p.m. with byo brown-bag/picnic dinner if desired. Wear vest/troop t if possible. If need a ride, contact Kathy.
10/4: SPECIAL EVENT: Troop meeting will be at Camp Sac! "Weenie Roast" and Campfire from 6:30 -9:00 p.m. (NOT at church!)
10/10: Corn Maze Trip. Details TBA (Columbus Day; no school)
11/1: Troop Meeting: Steampunk Jewlery/Accessory making.
12/6: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
1/3/2012: Troop Meeting: Music program.
WEEKEND of 1/27-1/29: Great Wolf Lodge trip or other trip
2/7: Troop Meeting: Make Valentine Candy for Soup Kitchen
3/6: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
4/3: NO TROOP MEETING (Spring Break)
5/1: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
5/28: Memorial Day Parade (probably won't participate as a troop)
WEEKEND of 6/1-6/3: OCKY (haven't discussed yet if we'll attend as a troop this year).
6/5: Troop Meeting: Program TBA