Howell Farms Corn Maze Trip 10/22/10

Howell Farm Corn Maze

Info Memo/Permission Slip

Who: Girl Scout Troop 66
What: Fun trip to Howell Farms Corn Maze
When: Friday, October 22, 2010. Meet at 5:45 for PROMPT 6:00 departure. Trip duration approx. 3-4 hours.

Where: Meet at First United Methodist Church. Troop leaders/volunteers will drive girls directly home afterward.

What to bring: Flashlight recommended.
What to wear: Dress for weather; it will be cold, possibly muddy (so sturdy shoes). Hat, gloves, scarf, warm layers/coat. Weather forecast:

Cost: $8.00 per person plus extra money for snacks/cocoa afterward if desired.

RSVP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to SHERYL KRAUSE at or text her at 908-902-3929 (be sure to identify WHO you are!)

--------tear off; Keep TOP and GIRL BRINGS LOWER SECTION WITH YOU TO EVENT------

I give permission for my daughter, ___________________________________________ to attend the Howell Farms trip on 10/22/10.

During the event I may be reached at (phone):_____________________________________________________

Alternate emergency contact (name):____________________________________________
(phone): ________________________________
I understand that I will contact troop leader immediately in the event an emergency prevents my daughter’s participation.

Parent’s Signature:________________________________________________Date_____________________