Troop 66 Lake Topanemus Clean-up/Compass/Cocoa Event
Who: Girl Scout Troop 66 members.
When: Sunday, December 14, 2:00 - 5:00 p.m.
What: 3-part event: Service project cleaning up litter at the park; introduction to basic compass skills; hot cocoa/snacks outdoors at this beautiful park!
Where: Topanemus Park, Pond Road, Freehold.
What to bring: work gloves; unbreakable “hot cup” (like a travel coffee mug); if you HAVE your own compass (hiking style) and want to bring it; plastic grocery bags for collecting litter; sit-upon if desired.

What to wear: WE WILL BE OUTDOORS and it is WINTER! Wear clothes appropriate to the environment and weather (coat/rain jacket, gloves, cap, sneakers or sturdy shoes; dress in layers). Check weather in advance of coming to know what to wear.
Cost: No cost; troop dues support this activity.
RSVP: BY Wednesday, December 10, to Kathymommy@aol.com, with list of people attending.
Contact: Kathy Mulholland (Kathymommy@aol.com or 732-642-1779 cell) with any questions.
--------------tear off; Keep TOP and GIRL BRINGS LOWER SECTION WITH YOU TO EVENT---------------
I give permission for my daughter, ___________________________________________ to attend the Troop 66 Lake Topanemus Clean-Up/Compass/Cocoa Event on December 14, 2008 at Lake Topanemus Park in Freehold Township. I will arrange her transportation to park at 2:00 p.m., and I will arrange her pickup from the park at 5:00 p.m. The following person(s)
will be picking her up: _______________________________________________________________________
During the event I may be reached at (phone):_____________________________________________________
Alternate emergency contact is
(name):____________________________________________(phone): ________________________________
I understand that I will contact troop leader immediately in the event an emergency precludes my daughter’s participation.
Parent’s Signature:________________________________________________ Date_____________________