["Yesses" as of 12/17: Shareema, Susan, Diane, Jaslin, Grace, Lindsey, Bob, Linda, Sheryl, Jeff, Hunter, Drew, Devin, Grant, Jennifer T....]

Roller Skating with Girl Scout Troop 1032 Info Memo/PERMISSION SLIP

Who: Girl Scout Troop 66; family and friends invited as well!

When: Saturday, December 27, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

What: Roller Skating at Jackson Skate Center, by invitation of Troop 1032. Girl Scouts and their friends/families will be the only ones in the rink at this time! Snacks and drinks provided by our hosts.

What to bring: Roller skates or rollerblades/inline skates, if you have. IF you want to rent roller skates, bring $2.00 to pay for that.

Cost: Non troop girls: $10.00 each (plus $2.00 if you need to rent skates). Troop members: $5.00 (troop will pay $5.00). You may also want to bring some extra money for vending/snack bar. Adults not skating will not be charged for admission.

RSVP and PAY: BY Monday, December 15 at our troop meeting, to Kathymommy@aol.com.

Contact: Kathy Mulholland (Kathymommy@aol.com or 732-642-1779 cell) with any questions.

--------tear off; Keep TOP and GIRL BRINGS LOWER SECTION WITH YOU TO EVENT------

I give permission for my daughter, ___________________________________________ to attend the Roller Skating event at Jackson Skate Center on December 27. I will arrange her transportation to the facility at 5:00 p.m. and pick-up at 7:00 p.m. I agree to pay $5.00 for each girl member's ticket. I am requesting ________ additional family/friend tickets at $10.00 each. Total cost: _____________.

During the event I may be reached at (phone):_____________________________________________________

Alternate emergency contact is(name):____________________________________________(phone): ________________________________

I understand that I will contact troop leader immediately in the event an emergency precludes my daughter’s participation.
Parent’s Signature:________________________________________________