Freehold Service Unit Junior Lock-In Info Memo/Permission Slip
Who: JUNIORS in Girl Scout Troop 66
What: A lock-in event hosted by Freehold Service Unit. We will be INDOORS during the event. We'll have dinner (pizza) and breakfast at the event. Juniors will earn the Sign of the Rainbow. (Mrs. Prendergast and Mrs. Chaffer will be running a station, so it should be especially fun!)
When: Friday, January 23, 5:45 p.m. - Saturday, January 24, 10:00 a.m. (2009)
Where: Program Activity Center at Camp Sacajawea ("Sac PAC") in Farmingdale, NJ.
What to bring: Comfy clothes to sleep in (sweats or winter PJs); change of clothes for Saturday morning, personal toiletries (toothbrush/paste, etc.); sleeping bag; pillow and/or small air mattress or sleeping mat, if desired.
Cost: $20.00 per girl, in advance (make check out to Girl Scouts)
RSVP: payment and permission slip due Monday, December 22, to Lia Prendergast (60 Broad St)
Questions? Contact Lia Prendergast at texgirl@comcast.net, or phone 732-294-8923.
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I give permission for my daughter, ___________________________________________ to join the troop for the Freehold Service Unit Junior Lock-In overnight from 1/23/09 - 1/24/09.During the event I may be reached at (phone):_____________________________________________________
Alternate emergency contact is(name):____________________________________________(phone): ________________________________
I will make arrangements for her transportation to and from the event. I understand that I will contact troop leader immediately in the event an emergency precludes my daughter’s participation.
Parent’s signature:________________________________________________Date_____________________###