Name of STAG (Short Term Activity Group): Monmouth County Parks 50-Miler Challenge
Beginning Date of group: June 15, 2010
Ending Date of group: November 30, 2010
Geographic center/area: Monmouth County, New Jersey
Affiliation: Girl Scout Troop 66
Who's invited to belong: Members of Girl Scout Troop 66 and their friends and families
Organizer/Contact name: Kathy Mulholland
Organizer/Contact email:
Webpage, blog, etc. where group information may be found:
Hike 50 miles of trails in Monmouth County Parks system, fulfilling the program outlined in the brochure:
Equipment Needed: good walking shoes, transportation, adult supervision for children, proper attire for weather, drinking water/snacks.
Expenses per participant: No direct expense except postage for submitting application to Monmouth County Parks if a commemorative t-shirt is desired. Girl Scouts wishing to earn badges or other recognition through Girl Scouts must be registered as members; such recognitions would be acquired at your own expense/effort.
Number of participants to be accommodated in this group: unlimited
How group members join: Send your email address with your name, age, cell/phone, Girl Scout affiliation (what's your relationship with a Girl Scout or troop) (children must also include parent contact information) to organizer/contact (identified above).
Description of typical event(s)/activity: Meet at designated parks to walk together on the trails. You don't have to come to organized hikes to participate, but the idea is that you'll work toward the 50-miler challenge in the MC Park's brochure. Anybody may initiate a hike; just email the organizer/contact or otherwise post the invitation to the group.
Group Symbol/Identifyer/Uniform, etc: no uniform; Scouting attire encouraged if going as group.
Participation by minors: Children under age 18 must bring a parent or be under the direct, acknowledged supervision of another adult (such as a Girl Scout Leader, with parental permission) at all events.
Joining statement: "By 'joining' or participating in this informal group, I acknowledge that I am an individual participating in this group. I acknowledge that this is a casual group formed simply for the convenience and support of participating in an activity with other like-minded people. I acknowledge that it is my (the individual's) sole responsibility to be prepared for the activities/events involved. I acknowledge that no other participant, organizer, communicator, etc., involved with this group or particular activity bears any liability for harm, loss, etc. related to this group's (or its participants) activity. By participating in any activity of this group/with this group, I hereby affirm that this is not a chartered organization, nor a club, nor a society, nor...well, it's just a group. Participation, in part or in whole is completely optional.