September 2009:
Girl Scout Troop 66 received the following note:
"Although the lights in the house at 64 Court Street are out and the innocent laughter has been silenced, it is still a home that we miss very much. Even in its irreparable state our perception of home is even more apparent. We played, we laughed, we cried, we dreamed, did homework and made cupcakes. What was contained behind these now burned, barren walls was a family, is a family; Kaylee's family. The laughter and love of "home" should not be a distant memory. And with all our hearts, we must go forward with the strength and hope, creating a life that only Kaylee can inspire.
"Her inspiration has turned a community into a family. The multitude of generosity, kindness and love that has surrounded our family is immeasurable, from those we know and those we have yet to know. Kaylee's short, sweet life has boundless significance. Kaylee lived big. Kaylee laughed hard. Kaylee loved much. Every moment mattered; not a second was ever wasted. Her smile alone is a true testament to who she is, real and beautiful. Her spirit remains ever present in our lives. Kaylee will be with us always. For those who have known, it has been said, 'It takes a village to raise a child.' Thank you for being a part of our 'village,' and for those we have yet to meet, welcome to our 'village.'
"There is no magic phrase to say "Thank You' to everyone, but perhaps our expression of the gratitude we feel towards your generosity and kindness can be said in these words:
"'Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life during the most painful time. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.'
"Again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, but for you, our hearts have no bottom.
"May God bless you as we move forward remembering Our Lodr's words 'I am with you always.'
"Forever Grateful, The Petner-Ramos Family"
[Troop 66 sent the family a gift card to Wal-Mart to hopefully help replace some of the household items lost in the fire; the same fire that claimed Kaylee's life last fall. Kaylee was a Girl Scout in another Freehold troop.]