EVENT: Flag Retirement Ceremony
DATE: Monday, August 9, 2010.
DATE: Monday, August 9, 2010.
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (estimated end time; come at 6:30 to help set-up if you can)
LOCATION: Camp Sacajawea's Program Activity Center (Yellowbrook Road, Howell)
COST: none
DETAILS: All girls are requested to come help have a respectful flag retirement ceremony at the ceremonial fire ring in front of the Sac PAC. The Freehold Public Library's Teen Library Committee has collected MANY old U.S. flags from the community. Please come in uniform (Vest/Sash OR Troop Shirt) if possible. We'll have light refreshments available. You may count this time as "service hours." Guests are welcome.
Friday, 9/10, 7:00 p.m. - Sunday, 9/12, 10:00 a.m. Cost: _______________
More information pending.
More information pending.
Sunday, September 12, 1:30 - approx. 4:30. Meet at church to depart for an "outdoor activity." Dress for outdoors, with sturdy shoes. Pack a snack and water bottle. We'll let you know the specific activity once we know the facility can be scheduled, but it will be one of : archery, ropes course, or terrain-challenging hike!
Monday, 9/20: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Patrol reorganization; SERVICE PROJECT: Health Kits assembled for CWS (troop-supplies materials); Nut Sale introduction.
Sunday, 9/26: SERVICE PROJECT/OUTDOOR EVENT:Lake Toponemus clean-up and hike; hot cocoa, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bring bags for trash pick-up; dress for weather; bring hot-liquid-tolerant cup.
Sunday, 9/26: SERVICE PROJECT/OUTDOOR EVENT:Lake Toponemus clean-up and hike; hot cocoa, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bring bags for trash pick-up; dress for weather; bring hot-liquid-tolerant cup.
Friday, 10/1: Nut Sale begins.
Monday, 10/18: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan WINTER OVERNIGHT TRIP: Each patrol plans one menu item/one activity. Present: Clare, Susan, Aimee, Alison, Hailey, Sydney, Aubree; Leaders Sheryl Lia, Kathy. Nut sale orders turned in.
Friday, 10/22: FUN TRIP: Howell Farm Corn Maze. Cost: TBD. [Dress for weather; eat dinner before trip.] Meet at Church to leave Freehold at 6:00 p.m. Return 3-4 hours later. Permission slip and details: http://gsjstroop66.blogspot.com/1988/01/howell-farms-corn-maze-trip-102210.html
Sunday, 10/24: OUTDOOR EVENT: Hike at Shark River Park. No cost. [Dress for weather, in layers; sturdy shoes/boots a MUST; terrain is challenging; bring water/snack and something to "situpon" on the damp ground]. Meet at Church to leave Freehold at 2:00 p.m. Return 3-4 hours later. http://gsjstroop66.blogspot.com/1998/01/shark-river-park-hike-trip-102410.html for info memo/permission slip.
TROOP TRIP to the Krauses' Shore House.
Friday, 11/12 - Sunday, 11/14. Details: http://gsjstroop66.blogspot.com/2010/11/troop-66-november-weekend-retreat.html.
Monday, 11/15: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Marshmallow guns.
Monday, 12/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Bird Feeder; Pokeeno Gift Exchange/Holiday Party ($5.00 gift).
Monday, 1/10: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Cookie Sale Training/meeting; Patrols plan for March meeting; Old-School Game Night [bring board/card games].
Monday, 2/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): SERVICE PROJECT: Desserts for Soup Kitchen.
TROOP TRIP to the Krauses' Shore House.
Friday, 11/12 - Sunday, 11/14. Details: http://gsjstroop66.blogspot.com/2010/11/troop-66-november-weekend-retreat.html.
Monday, 11/15: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Marshmallow guns.
Monday, 12/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Bird Feeder; Pokeeno Gift Exchange/Holiday Party ($5.00 gift).
Monday, 1/10: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Cookie Sale Training/meeting; Patrols plan for March meeting; Old-School Game Night [bring board/card games].
Monday, 2/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): SERVICE PROJECT: Desserts for Soup Kitchen.
Sunday, 2/27: Girl Scout Sunday at First United Methodist Church, our troop's sponsor. Troop members are invited to join our host church for worship at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. services. Opportunities to participate in the service are available; see Kathy for details.
Sunday, 3/6: Official Girl Scout Sunday (girls are encouraged to represent Girl Scouts in your own house of worship)
Monday, 3/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning camping trip; turn in cookie money if ready.
Monday, 5/16: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan/Prep for campout 5/20
TROOP CAMP-OUT at Allaire State Park, Saturday, 5/21 - Sunday, 5/22
More information pending.
Monday, 4/11: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning
Monday, 3/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning camping trip; turn in cookie money if ready.
Monday, 5/16: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan/Prep for campout 5/20
TROOP CAMP-OUT at Allaire State Park, Saturday, 5/21 - Sunday, 5/22
More information pending.
Monday, 4/11: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning
Saturday - Sunday, June 11-12: Whitewater Rafting/camping.Friday 6/3 - Sunday 6/5 OCKY (not going this year)
Monday, 6/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Program TBA [Bridging Ceremony?]
TBA Spring: Bike Hike; Letterboxing at Holmdel Park
CANCELED (replaced with Camping Trip): Whitewater Rafting Trip
DATE: Friday, September 10 - Saturday September 11, 2010.
DATE: Friday, September 10 - Saturday September 11, 2010.
TIME: Leaving Freehold as early as possible after school (details TBA)
LOCATION: Meet at Church; destination: White Haven, PA.
COST: Approximately/<$100 per person.
DATE: Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5, 2011,
DATE: Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5, 2011,
TIME: 6:00 p.m. Friday - 3:00 p.m. Sunday.
LOCATION: YMCA Camp Ockanickon, Medford, NJ
COST: TBD, approximately $120 per person
DETAILS: Annual encampment offered to Freehold Girl Scouts. This year there will be more troops from neighboring communities invited to attend.
Old/past calendar information may be viewed by visiting: http://gsjstroop66.blogspot.com/2000/04/old-calender-informationarchive-items.html