Note: Regular Troop Meetings are the FIRST Tuesday of each month, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. at the church, except as noted (so please check the schedule!!!).
9/6: Troop meeting. Organizational/planning.
9/11: Flag Retirement Ceremony at PAC, 7:00 p.m. Meet at 6:00 p.m. with byo brown-bag/picnic dinner if desired. Wear vest/troop t if possible. If need a ride, contact Kathy.
10/4: SPECIAL EVENT: Troop meeting will be at Camp Sac! "Weenie Roast" and Campfire from 6:30 -9:00 p.m. (NOT at church!)
10/10: Corn Maze Trip. Details TBA (Columbus Day; no school)
11/1: Troop Meeting: Steampunk Jewlery/Accessory making.
12/6: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
1/3/2012: Troop Meeting: Music program.
WEEKEND of 1/27-1/29: Great Wolf Lodge trip or other trip
2/7: Troop Meeting: Make Valentine Candy for Soup Kitchen
3/6: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
4/3: NO TROOP MEETING (Spring Break)
5/1: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
5/28: Memorial Day Parade (probably won't participate as a troop)
WEEKEND of 6/1-6/3: OCKY (haven't discussed yet if we'll attend as a troop this year).
6/5: Troop Meeting: Program TBA
Troop 66 Information (under construction)
About Troop 66/NEWS
Troop 66 is a part of Freehold Community, Colonial Region, Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore.
Calendar of Events
(past dates may be deleted for simplicity's sake when site is updated.)
September 15, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting/Parent Meeting.
---Introduce new girls and leaders
---Late Registration
---Health Forms
---Pay $40 troop dues
---T-Shirt color voting/placing order
---[Cadettes/older:] Order/Pay for Great Adventure Camporee
---Introduce Nut Sale
---Introduce Service Unit Kick-Off
---Decide on: Freehold Spooktacular? World Water Monitoring Day?
[Cadettes/older only] October 2, Thursday, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. Old West Freehold School (ECLC) Stillwells Corner Rd. Teacher's Lounge. Second OGPT (Older Girl Planning Team) meeting. 8th graders/up attending November 14 Yurt overnight must bring check for $20 made out to FSU plus permission slip.
October 6, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting
---If not already, get QSP Nut Sale info/packets and begin selling immediately (order taking runs 10/3 through 10/19).
---RSVP for FSU Kick-off on November 2.
---Uniform (vest) tune-up (identifying missing patches/insignia; place orders for vests needed.) ---[Cadette/Seniors only]: Final planning for Great Adventure Camporee.October 10 - 12,
Friday - Sunday [Cadettes/Seniors], Great Adventure Camporee. PAYMENT DUE SEPTEMBER 15.
October 19, Sunday. DELIVER your nut orders to Maria Chaffer, nut mom, by this date (tentative plan pending Maria's approval).
[October 20, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
November 2, Sunday, 3:00 - 6:00 Service Unit Kick-Off at Turkey Swamp Park. Investiture/Rededication Ceremony and activities.
[November 10, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
[8th Graders/older] November 14-15, Friday 5:30 p.m. to Sat. 2:00 p.m. OGPT overnight at Pocahontas Point Yurt, Camp Sac. Cost $20November 17, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting; -
----Nuts distributed to girls. Girls begin delivering their orders and collecting money.
November 30, Sunday: Girls deliver nut money to Maria Chaffer (tentative plan pending Maria's approval).
December 6, Saturday, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Bike/Hike event, location Thompson Park. Details TBA.
[December 8, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
December 15, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting
January TBA: Cookie Sale Order Taking Begins.
January TBA: Cookie Sale Order Taking Ends.
January TBA: Cookie Sale orders submitted to Mr. and Mrs. Tipan.
[January 12 (2009), Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
[LEADERS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS ONLY: January 16-17 event at Amity Acres.]
JUNIORS ONLY: January 23-24, Friday-Saturday: Junior Lockin at Sac PAC in Farmingdale.January 26 (2009),
Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting
February TBA: Thinking Day event
[February 9, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
February 23, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop MeetingMarch TBA: Cookies available for pick-up from Mr. and Mrs. Tipan.March TBA: Cookie money due to Mr. and Mrs. Tipan.
[March 9, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
March 23, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop MeetingAGES 14 AND OLDER ONLY: March 28, Saturday (rain date 3/29): Horesback Riding at Allaire State Park. (RSVP by end of January with Mrs. M.)
[April 6, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
April 27, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting
May 4, Monday, 7:30 - 8:30 Troop Meeting
[May 17, Monday: FSU Leader Meeting,7:00 - 9:00, Applegate School.]
May 25, Monday, 9:30 a.m. til -? noon? MEMORIAL DAY PARADE (Meet on Brinckerhoff Avenue; end at Hall of Records Parking Lot)
May 29, Friday: (approximately 4:30 p.m.) meet to depart for OCKY!!
May 30, Saturday at OCKY
May 31, Sunday at OCKY; home late afternoon.More dates TBD/TBA!
Links and Forms
(See additional links below)
Girl Scout Shop (at council) :
Girl Membership Form:
Health History Form:
Adult Membership Form:
Troop 66 Schedule of Events/Meeting Notes

EVENT: Flag Retirement Ceremony
DATE: Monday, August 9, 2010.
DATE: Monday, August 9, 2010.
TIME: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. (estimated end time; come at 6:30 to help set-up if you can)
LOCATION: Camp Sacajawea's Program Activity Center (Yellowbrook Road, Howell)
COST: none
DETAILS: All girls are requested to come help have a respectful flag retirement ceremony at the ceremonial fire ring in front of the Sac PAC. The Freehold Public Library's Teen Library Committee has collected MANY old U.S. flags from the community. Please come in uniform (Vest/Sash OR Troop Shirt) if possible. We'll have light refreshments available. You may count this time as "service hours." Guests are welcome.
Friday, 9/10, 7:00 p.m. - Sunday, 9/12, 10:00 a.m. Cost: _______________
More information pending.
More information pending.
Sunday, September 12, 1:30 - approx. 4:30. Meet at church to depart for an "outdoor activity." Dress for outdoors, with sturdy shoes. Pack a snack and water bottle. We'll let you know the specific activity once we know the facility can be scheduled, but it will be one of : archery, ropes course, or terrain-challenging hike!
Monday, 9/20: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Patrol reorganization; SERVICE PROJECT: Health Kits assembled for CWS (troop-supplies materials); Nut Sale introduction.
Sunday, 9/26: SERVICE PROJECT/OUTDOOR EVENT:Lake Toponemus clean-up and hike; hot cocoa, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bring bags for trash pick-up; dress for weather; bring hot-liquid-tolerant cup.
Sunday, 9/26: SERVICE PROJECT/OUTDOOR EVENT:Lake Toponemus clean-up and hike; hot cocoa, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Bring bags for trash pick-up; dress for weather; bring hot-liquid-tolerant cup.
Friday, 10/1: Nut Sale begins.
Monday, 10/18: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan WINTER OVERNIGHT TRIP: Each patrol plans one menu item/one activity. Present: Clare, Susan, Aimee, Alison, Hailey, Sydney, Aubree; Leaders Sheryl Lia, Kathy. Nut sale orders turned in.
Friday, 10/22: FUN TRIP: Howell Farm Corn Maze. Cost: TBD. [Dress for weather; eat dinner before trip.] Meet at Church to leave Freehold at 6:00 p.m. Return 3-4 hours later. Permission slip and details:
Sunday, 10/24: OUTDOOR EVENT: Hike at Shark River Park. No cost. [Dress for weather, in layers; sturdy shoes/boots a MUST; terrain is challenging; bring water/snack and something to "situpon" on the damp ground]. Meet at Church to leave Freehold at 2:00 p.m. Return 3-4 hours later. for info memo/permission slip.
TROOP TRIP to the Krauses' Shore House.
Friday, 11/12 - Sunday, 11/14. Details:
Monday, 11/15: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Marshmallow guns.
Monday, 12/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Bird Feeder; Pokeeno Gift Exchange/Holiday Party ($5.00 gift).
Monday, 1/10: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Cookie Sale Training/meeting; Patrols plan for March meeting; Old-School Game Night [bring board/card games].
Monday, 2/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): SERVICE PROJECT: Desserts for Soup Kitchen.
TROOP TRIP to the Krauses' Shore House.
Friday, 11/12 - Sunday, 11/14. Details:
Monday, 11/15: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Marshmallow guns.
Monday, 12/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Bird Feeder; Pokeeno Gift Exchange/Holiday Party ($5.00 gift).
Monday, 1/10: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Cookie Sale Training/meeting; Patrols plan for March meeting; Old-School Game Night [bring board/card games].
Monday, 2/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): SERVICE PROJECT: Desserts for Soup Kitchen.
Sunday, 2/27: Girl Scout Sunday at First United Methodist Church, our troop's sponsor. Troop members are invited to join our host church for worship at 8:30 or 11:00 a.m. services. Opportunities to participate in the service are available; see Kathy for details.
Sunday, 3/6: Official Girl Scout Sunday (girls are encouraged to represent Girl Scouts in your own house of worship)
Monday, 3/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning camping trip; turn in cookie money if ready.
Monday, 5/16: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan/Prep for campout 5/20
TROOP CAMP-OUT at Allaire State Park, Saturday, 5/21 - Sunday, 5/22
More information pending.
Monday, 4/11: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning
Monday, 3/7: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning camping trip; turn in cookie money if ready.
Monday, 5/16: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Plan/Prep for campout 5/20
TROOP CAMP-OUT at Allaire State Park, Saturday, 5/21 - Sunday, 5/22
More information pending.
Monday, 4/11: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Planning
Saturday - Sunday, June 11-12: Whitewater Rafting/camping.Friday 6/3 - Sunday 6/5 OCKY (not going this year)
Monday, 6/13: TROOP MEETING (usual place): Program TBA [Bridging Ceremony?]
TBA Spring: Bike Hike; Letterboxing at Holmdel Park
CANCELED (replaced with Camping Trip): Whitewater Rafting Trip
DATE: Friday, September 10 - Saturday September 11, 2010.
DATE: Friday, September 10 - Saturday September 11, 2010.
TIME: Leaving Freehold as early as possible after school (details TBA)
LOCATION: Meet at Church; destination: White Haven, PA.
COST: Approximately/<$100 per person.
DATE: Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5, 2011,
DATE: Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5, 2011,
TIME: 6:00 p.m. Friday - 3:00 p.m. Sunday.
LOCATION: YMCA Camp Ockanickon, Medford, NJ
COST: TBD, approximately $120 per person
DETAILS: Annual encampment offered to Freehold Girl Scouts. This year there will be more troops from neighboring communities invited to attend.
Old/past calendar information may be viewed by visiting:
Troop News
On August 9, 2010, the troop held a flag retirement ceremony at the Program Activity Center of Camp Sacajawea. In attendance were Susan, Kayla, Maria, Claire, Aimee, Alison and Hailey (and Aubree). Adults: Bruce and Christie Kaplan, Tammy Ciok, Maria Chaffer, Kathy Mulholland and Lia Prendergast. Special guests included Freehold Borough Councilman John Newman, Mrs. Newman and their two lovely daughters, plus three good friends of Aimee. Over 175 unserviceable American Flags were respectfully retired in this ceremony. The flags had been collected during June and July by the Teen Library Committee/Freehold Public Library. Terrific job, girls!
June 15: Troop 66 registered "earlybird" for 2010 - 2011. We added Kayla C. to our roster.
The troop attended OCKY, with Aimee managing the Bridging Ceremony (which was beautiful)! Lia was our new Craft Coordinator and did a TERRIFIC job. Also, we made history with our
first-ever "Ocky Dad": Mr. Kaplan. Sheryl and Mrs. Martin rounded-out our adult team. The troop stayed in Douglass Lodge for the first time. Lots of pictures can be viewed at:
The troop met on May 17 to plan Ocky; we also learned that Clarice and Shareema were moving to Red Bank. We'll miss them, and are glad they'll try to join a troop there.
Our 4/19 meeting was well-attended (Laura, Shareema, Clare, maria, Molly, Hailey, Michaela, Sydney, Clarice, Susan, Drew, Aimee, Alison, and guests Aubree and former member Diane; adults were leaders Sheryl, Lia, Annemarie and Kathy, with parents Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Martin, and Mr. Kaplan). We also had a "special guest"...the proverbial-turned-literal church mouse! Molly spotted it first, so she got to name it....Mickey (very imaginative). We caught the mouse and later released it in the grass behind the church's garage. Our main focus of the meeting was preparing for Ocky by making "Ocky in a bag" SWAPS (Thanks, Sheryl, for getting the stuff and coming up with the design). We also had 13 girls and 3 adults sign up for Ocky (not including Lia and Kathy who attend as event staff). Diane will be going, also. Conversation about the skit night was started, but will be continued at our next meeting (which will focus on final prep for Ocky!). Also, any girls who want were invited to join troop 1212 (Diane's troop) to be "waterstoppers" at an animal-charity event at Monmouth Battlefield State Park on Kathy for details.=====================
Though our group was decidedly small, our walk around the Manasquan Reservoir was a big success (in Kathy's opinion, anyway). We hiked the 5.1 miles with minimal whining! Susan, Laura and Hailey, along with leader Kathy and dad Mr. Kaplan enjoyed the gorgeous day, and the trail looks nicer since we picked up litter along the way. You should have seen the ginormous snapping turtle! If you're interested in getting a free t-shirt from Monmouth County Parks for their 50-Miler Trail Challenge, visit this site: There's more details there...but the res walk put us 5.1 miles closer to finishing!
The troop members/parents who came to the St. Paddy's Day Run to hand out water to the runners ("waterstoppers") had a good time in beautiful weather! Susan, Drew, Maria, Clare, big-sister Devin and adults Kathy, Sheryl and Maria were there from our troop. We luckily shared the spot with another group of girls because there was plenty of "work" to do. But there was also a lot of fun with group games casually started by the girls. We finished a bit early, around 10:30, since this was a stop early-on in the race, and added to our wardrobes with "thank-you" sweatshirts from the Freehold Area Runners Club.
Attendance was poor for our March 1 meeting; there were only four girls! Ocky paperwork was given out, and we designed patches for the Ocky patch contest. The troop also elected to do a hula-hoop contest for the "Fabulous Fifties Party" Friday Night Activity at Ocky, and received information about the March 21 St. Paddy's Day Run and Manasquan Reservoir Walk/Pick-up on April 11.
Our February 1 meeting was an old-fashioned game night. We had "almost perfect" attendance (Susan, Drew, Shareema, Clarice, Clare, Alison, Kaitlyn, Maria, Michaela, Laura, Sydney, Caroline, Aimee, tag-along Aubree, Jennifer, Alison, plus all troop leaders: Kathy, Lia, Sheryl, Annemarie and mom Suzanne) and played a number of different games and shared snacks. Cookie orders were also turned-in.
Troop 66 rang in the new year with Suzanne Martin demonstrating and teaching the troop about skin and hair care. Different products and tools, and proper use, were tried on manequin heads and on the girls. Kaitlin, Laura, Maria, Clarice, Susan, Shareema, Clare, Sydney, Alison, Drew, Aimee and tag-along Aubree had a great time learning about ways to take care of your appearance. We also read a very nice thank-you card from Jim Benedict of the Soup Kitchen (see 12/7/09) and got our cookie-sale packets from Mr. Tipan. Adults at the meeting were Suzanne, Lia, Sheryl and Kathy. Next meeting will be a game night, with girls bringing favorite "non-electronic" type games.
At our December 7 meeting, the girls, lead by the Neon Frogs patrol, made hundreds of chocolate-covered treats for the people served by the Soup Kitchen at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Downtown Freehold. Girls dipped pretzels, cookies and Rice Krispie Treats in chocolate, white chocolate, and sprinkles, then bagged the assorted treats. Susan, Kaitlin, Jennifer, Drew, Clare, Shareema, Clarice, Michalea, Carolyn, Maria, Sydney, Aimee and tag-along Aubree were there, with leadership of Lia, Suzanne, Sheryl and Kathy. Sheryl delivered the tasty treats to Jim Benedict of the Soup Kitchen the next morning.

Drew, Shareema, and Susan (with Diane M. from Troop 1212 as guest), with Kathy and Sheryl as leaders, attended the bike trip up and down the Henry Hudson Trail. We covered about 8 or 9 miles! Definitely something to do again, maybe the next section beginning in Marlboro.
As of November 7th, 2009, Troop 66 had 16 girls registered. We welcome Clarice and Kaitie to the troop.
Special guests for our November troop meeting were girls from Junior Troop 1141. The S'Mores patrol organized several activities to celebrate Juliette Gordon Low's birthday, including a balloon-popping race and birthday cupcakes. We shared with our visitors the "Friendship Registers" that we made a few years ago (and still had some left). Visiting girls were: Nameera H., Erica D., Caroline L., Jordan F., Kate C. Christie D. and Tara C. We hope they enjoyed a taste of the patrol method of troop leadership, Troop 66 style (this was our first patrol-led meeting, by the way).
Our October 5th meeting was attended by Jaslin, Susan, Drew, Laura, Alison, Sydney, Carolyn, Aimee, Michaela, Shareema, Clarice and Kaitlin; plus troop leaders Kathy, Lia, Annemarie and Sheryl. Girls were divided up into two patrols, who selected patrol names and patrol leaders, plus planned a future troop meeting. The S'Mores patrol will do a Juliette Gordon Low birthday party/ceremony at our November meeting, while the Neon Frogs will organize a service project for December's meeting.
Congratulations to Susan Mulholland who completed Camp Program Aide training on July 10, 2009, at Camp Sacajawea. This enables Susan to volunteer during the Summer Camp and other programs at Council, as well as serve as a Council Outdoor Trained person for overnight encampments including cooking with fire. Many girls who complete this training go on to paid employment with Girl Scouts during summer camp!
Troop 66 registered 13 girls and 6 adults as "Earlybirds" for 2009-2010, including all the leaders and product-sales coordinators from the prior year! Any girls/adults who want to be registered for the troop but who aren't "Earlybird" can easily be added later. We wish a fond-farewell to Diane, who is joining a Troop 1212 (all high school girls closer to her age). We're sure she'll be around to help out from time-to-time. 6/17/09
Congratulations to the following troop members who were recognized at the Freehold Service Unit Annual Recognition Ceremony on June 11:
Leadership Award: Aimee Prendergast
Bronze Award: Caroline Adams, Drew Polhemus and Alison Prendergast
Silver Award: Aimee Prendergast
Ocky was a blast! Special thanks to Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Martin for being our troop adults. Email pictures to so we can post them!
Earlybird registration is due...please confirm with Mrs. Mulholland that you intend to sign-up with Troop 66 next year!
We will be postponing our Letterboxing event; there were several schedule conflicts that popped up this spring.
The following girls have signed-up to go to Ocky: Susan, Molly, Sydney, Maria, Clare, Shareema, Laura, Caroline, Jenny, Jennifer, Aimee, Alison, Diane and Michaela. There's room for one or two adults. If you're interested, please contact Mrs. Kramer.
Our troop earned $417.60 profit from the 2009 cookie sale! Congratulations to all our girls; we had 100% participation! Our special thanks to Cookie Mom Sonia and Cookie Dad Paul Tipan.
The Junior Girl Scouts of Troop 66 provided a "thank you" service to our Sponsor, the First United Methodist Church. We "tuned up" fourteen "Little Methodist Bags" (activity kits for restless little ones to use during worship services) by providing new crayons, coloring pages and a backer-board. We hope the children enjoy these, and we'll check them occasionally to keep them in good shape.
Our troop celebrated Thinking Day with an international family potluck dinner on February 23. We had 24 girls and parents, and an amazing array of delicious food. The girls practiced their match-lighting skills during a candle ceremony honoring the originators of all youth Scouting, Lady and Lord Baden Powell. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mulholland's camera battery didn't last past the lock-in of a few days before, so we don't have pictures. Girls and parents will have to rely on their fond memories.
THANK YOU girls and parents for honoring your troop and Girl Scout heritage by participating!
Kaylee Ramos (age 11, 6th grade student at FIS) of Troop 2780 lost her life during a tragic house fire on February 2. Troop 66 donated a $215.00 gift card to the Ramos family (including $25 troop funds and individual donations). The family lost everything in the fire that took Kaylee's life; this is the least we can do to "be a sister to every Girl Scout."

Troop 66 registered 13 girls and 6 adults as "Earlybirds" for 2009-2010, including all the leaders and product-sales coordinators from the prior year! Any girls/adults who want to be registered for the troop but who aren't "Earlybird" can easily be added later. We wish a fond-farewell to Diane, who is joining a Troop 1212 (all high school girls closer to her age). We're sure she'll be around to help out from time-to-time. 6/17/09
Congratulations to the following troop members who were recognized at the Freehold Service Unit Annual Recognition Ceremony on June 11:
Leadership Award: Aimee Prendergast
Bronze Award: Caroline Adams, Drew Polhemus and Alison Prendergast
Silver Award: Aimee Prendergast
Ocky was a blast! Special thanks to Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Martin for being our troop adults. Email pictures to so we can post them!
Earlybird registration is due...please confirm with Mrs. Mulholland that you intend to sign-up with Troop 66 next year!
We will be postponing our Letterboxing event; there were several schedule conflicts that popped up this spring.
The following girls have signed-up to go to Ocky: Susan, Molly, Sydney, Maria, Clare, Shareema, Laura, Caroline, Jenny, Jennifer, Aimee, Alison, Diane and Michaela. There's room for one or two adults. If you're interested, please contact Mrs. Kramer.
Our troop earned $417.60 profit from the 2009 cookie sale! Congratulations to all our girls; we had 100% participation! Our special thanks to Cookie Mom Sonia and Cookie Dad Paul Tipan.
The Junior Girl Scouts of Troop 66 provided a "thank you" service to our Sponsor, the First United Methodist Church. We "tuned up" fourteen "Little Methodist Bags" (activity kits for restless little ones to use during worship services) by providing new crayons, coloring pages and a backer-board. We hope the children enjoy these, and we'll check them occasionally to keep them in good shape.
Our troop celebrated Thinking Day with an international family potluck dinner on February 23. We had 24 girls and parents, and an amazing array of delicious food. The girls practiced their match-lighting skills during a candle ceremony honoring the originators of all youth Scouting, Lady and Lord Baden Powell. Unfortunately, Mrs. Mulholland's camera battery didn't last past the lock-in of a few days before, so we don't have pictures. Girls and parents will have to rely on their fond memories.
THANK YOU girls and parents for honoring your troop and Girl Scout heritage by participating!
Kaylee Ramos (age 11, 6th grade student at FIS) of Troop 2780 lost her life during a tragic house fire on February 2. Troop 66 donated a $215.00 gift card to the Ramos family (including $25 troop funds and individual donations). The family lost everything in the fire that took Kaylee's life; this is the least we can do to "be a sister to every Girl Scout."
The "First Ever" Dry-Run Camp-In was a success!
Thanks to the First United Methodist Church for becoming our official sponsor. What this means is that they have agreed to provide for us certain services, in this case, our meeting facility. They've done this for years, but now we have the "paperwork" to make it official.
We should be reminded, however, that we aren't the only people to be using the facility during our time there. Downstairs, while we are in Wesley Hall (the big room) there are ESL classes. We must be considerate in terms of noise and also not running around the building. It is very important that we be good neighbors.
Any ideas to show the Church our appreciation? Let's discuss at a troop meeting. We know for a fact the Church secretary likes Trefoil Girl Scout Cookies!
Thanks to: our experienced girls for helping the newer ones; our troop leaders and families for loaning us tents, cooking equipment and other gear; Mrs. Krause for doing the "lion's share" of the shopping; Mrs. Mulholland for handling the registration; and all our girls for doing a great job packing and cooperating on what was for some a first "tent camping" experience.
Our pre-camping troop lock-in to teach/review basic outdoor skills was attended by 15 troop girls (Caroline, Shareema, Krystal, Clare, Maria, Jaslin, Molly, Michaela, Sydney, Diane, Susan, Drew, Aimee, Alison, and Jennifer). two Ambassador Girl Scout helpers (Devin and Grace), and two troop leaders (Mrs. Krause and Mrs. Mulholland). Girls learned...
___ assemble dunk bag (each girl brought her own and we hung them on a clothesline)
___ 3-bucket dishwash (the exact way we will do when camping)
___ outdoor apparel (what to wear/what NOT to wear)
___ packing skills
___ 4 knots/hitches (bowline, square knot, sheet bend, tautline hitch, etc.)
___ make fire starters ("wisely" using broken crayons as a resource)
___ strike matches (it was the first time for some girls)
___ tent assembly (assembled and slept in them)
___ first aid I (led by our Ambassador GS guests)
___ animal hazards I (Led by our Ambassador GS guests)
We also had a flag ceremony; cooked a taco salad dinner; made "Wicky-Wacky-Walkaways" for snack; watched the movie Troop Beverly Hills; played team-buiding games such as "The Name Game," "Human Knot" and "Levitating Stick," as well as "Upset the Fruit Basket" and "Who's the Murderer." After a 7:00 wake-up, we made a full-course breakfast (pancakes, scrambled egges, Canadian bacon, fruit). And, we cleaned everything up in true Girl Scout fashion!
Special thanks to the First United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facilities; we appreciate them for making-way for us on their busy schedule and making us feel welcome.
___ assemble dunk bag (each girl brought her own and we hung them on a clothesline)
___ 3-bucket dishwash (the exact way we will do when camping)
___ outdoor apparel (what to wear/what NOT to wear)
___ packing skills
___ 4 knots/hitches (bowline, square knot, sheet bend, tautline hitch, etc.)
___ make fire starters ("wisely" using broken crayons as a resource)
___ strike matches (it was the first time for some girls)
___ tent assembly (assembled and slept in them)
___ first aid I (led by our Ambassador GS guests)
___ animal hazards I (Led by our Ambassador GS guests)
We also had a flag ceremony; cooked a taco salad dinner; made "Wicky-Wacky-Walkaways" for snack; watched the movie Troop Beverly Hills; played team-buiding games such as "The Name Game," "Human Knot" and "Levitating Stick," as well as "Upset the Fruit Basket" and "Who's the Murderer." After a 7:00 wake-up, we made a full-course breakfast (pancakes, scrambled egges, Canadian bacon, fruit). And, we cleaned everything up in true Girl Scout fashion!
Special thanks to the First United Methodist Church for allowing us to use their facilities; we appreciate them for making-way for us on their busy schedule and making us feel welcome.
Our Troop went roller skating on December 27, 2008, at Jackson Skate Center as guests of Girl Scout Troop 1032. There were about 17 from our group there including Jaslin, Drew, Diane, Susan, Lindsey, Shareema, some friends and family members, and leaders Mrs. Mulholland and Mrs. Krause. Thanks to Mr. Duarte. for taking great pictures.
The troop went caroling at CentraState Medical Center on Monday, December 22. We were met by Ms. Joan Nealon, who heads up volunteer services there, and guided through several floors. We sang an assortment of traditional Christmas carols as well as "The Dreidle Song." After spreading cheer to patients in their rooms, we gathered in the lobby in front of the Christmas tree to greet visitors and staff. We received many compliments and holiday wishes. Thanks to Mrs. Jasko for putting this opportunity together! Lindsey, Julianne, Aimee, Alison, Maria, Susan, Elizabeth, Clare, Jaslin, Jennifer T., Mrs. Chaffer, Mrs. Haley, Mr. and Mrs. Duarte, Mrs. Mulholland and Mrs. Jasko all spread cheer to those who found themselves in the hospital over the holidays.

We should be reminded, however, that we aren't the only people to be using the facility during our time there. Downstairs, while we are in Wesley Hall (the big room) there are ESL classes. We must be considerate in terms of noise and also not running around the building. It is very important that we be good neighbors.
Any ideas to show the Church our appreciation? Let's discuss at a troop meeting. We know for a fact the Church secretary likes Trefoil Girl Scout Cookies!
Laura, Jaslin, Jennifer T., Susan, Diane, Michaela, Mrs. Kramer and Mrs. Mulholland represented Troop 66 at the 2nd Annual Freehold Service Unit Kick-Off. Held at the beautiful Turkey Swamp Park, activities included outdoor games and a campfire with hot cocoa and s'mores. This event was an Investiture/Rededication ceremony as well as Founder's Day Celebration (Juliette Gordon Low's birthday was October 31). Thanks to Diane for starting and tending the campfire (Diane is a Council trained Camp Aide and qualified in outdoor skills). Thanks also to Mrs. B. of Freehold Service Unit as well as a bunch of older girls including "troop sister" Grace. Girls in attendance also received their "Troop 66" t-shirt and a bonus SWAP from the event coordinator for wearing their shirt to the event.
GREAT ADVENTURE!Thirteen girls (Aimee, Jennifer M., Susan, Molly, Julianne, Shareema, Maria, Natali, Drew, Ashley, Diane, and "tags" Devin and Alyssa) accompanied by two leaders went on a two-night encampment for Cadettes+ at Six Flags Great Adventure run by Girl Scouts of the Jersey Shore.
We slept (and shivered) in tents, spent all day Saturday in the theme park ("Fright Fest" was happening!), spent the night again, then Sunday drove through the Safari and girls arrived home around 1:00. In the morning, we could hear the lions roaring from our site (which was a few miles west of the park itself).
Thanks to: our experienced girls for helping the newer ones; our troop leaders and families for loaning us tents, cooking equipment and other gear; Mrs. Krause for doing the "lion's share" of the shopping; Mrs. Mulholland for handling the registration; and all our girls for doing a great job packing and cooperating on what was for some a first "tent camping" experience.
This was the troop's first time attending this event.
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